Volume two of Apollo from beatmaker Milkman is up for download today. You can get volum one HERE.
Volume two kicks off with a smooth intro and a 'Life's a Bitch' remix which is extra nice. 'Blunted' featuring Selph Concious is excellent work. I can't say i've heard the original but the beat on this one fits perfect.
Alot of the work showcased here by Milkman is the right side of simplistic, it's nice and smooth, easy to listen to and follow and above all - is very good. Some nice chops exhibited, good sample choices and nice quality mix.
It's good that he's decided to mix up the format a little and include remix's as well as straight instrumentals, i feel that alot of beatmakers tend to get bogged down in making beat tapes 30 minutes long with just instrumental tracks - it's nice to see a switch up, especially one where the quality of each type of track is just as good.
'Have You' is very nice, really smooth and flows well - easy to listen to all day.
'So High' is a top class track featuring 'JayP' who spits a nice verse effortlessly. The beat and MC fit well together.
I'm struggling for things to write here as 'Apollo 2' is simply a very good BeatTape - solid work, a good follow up to volume one proving that Milkman is capable and focused.
Worth getting basically. HERE