Gatsby The Great is a writer/director/emcee from South Jersey.
This album is incredible.
Although it sounds more like a collection of songs, more of a mixtape than an album - the lyrical quality and consistency of the rhymes alone prevent it from being labelled something as plain as a 'mixtape.'
Right from the intro, it's clear that Gatsby is a very talented and hungry emcee, spitting one verse over a head nodding beat that sounds like a hip hop version of Lawrence Of Arabia.
Although some of the beats, samples, or drum sounds sounded familiar it really is the lyrical precision and attention to detail which shine through especially on the title track 'Falling Up,' which also happens to be one of the albums best, in respect to both the beat and lyrics. The track is basically a list of contradictions, but done in a very clever way that has you rewinding every bar to double check.
Another thing i liked about the album was the variety of hip hop on display. A nice old school feel on 'The Rythm' with a catchy hook, pure underground ferocity on the Intro, and a more mainstream accessible track in the form of 'Feelin Good.'
'Falling Up,' definitely deserves a good couple of listens through and Gatsby desrves a Myspace add, so i suggest that if you don't have the album or you don't have Gatsby as a friend on Myspace, you solve both of those problems here and now -
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